
What is the 341 Meeting of Creditors?

Filing for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 can be a complex process, especially without legal counsel and guidance from an experienced bankruptcy attorney. One necessary hoop that you need to jump through before concluding your bankruptcy case is the 341 meeting of creditors. If you have never filed for bankruptcy before, the possibility of meeting … Continue reading What is the 341 Meeting of Creditors?

How Soon Will My Credit Score Improve After Bankruptcy?

Facing bankruptcy is terrifying for most people. They may have several questions running through their minds, like: will bankruptcy really wipe out all my existing debt? Will bankruptcy have a negative impact on my credit, and if so, how soon will my credit score improve after bankruptcy? The truth is that bankruptcy can definitely tank … Continue reading How Soon Will My Credit Score Improve After Bankruptcy?

What Does it Mean When Debt Goes to Collections?

When you fall behind on a credit card bill, a loan payment, or other type of outstanding debt, your outstanding balance may be picked up by a debt collection agency. From that point on, you may receive regular phone calls, letters, and other correspondence as the debt collectors attempt to recover the debt. Having overdue … Continue reading What Does it Mean When Debt Goes to Collections?

Eric Wilson Law